Bridgnorth Musical Theatre Company
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2012- Beauty and the Beast


No musical theatre company would exist without the hard work and dedication of the committee members. Committee members are voted in at the Annual General Meeting held in May of each year. The committee and company are overseen over by a president and vice presidents who are invited to fill the roles by the company committee.

President: John James
Vice Presidents: Mary Swales, Trish Beaman, Mary James, Barbara Preece.

Chairman: Carolyn Edwards
Vice Chairman: Laura Davies
Secretary: Helen Woodman
Marketing Manager: Laura Davies
Members' Secretary: Jessica Miller
Treasurer: Dave Walford
Programme Secretary: Jane Woods
Sponsorship Secretaries: Paul Stennings & Simon McCormick
Business Manager: David Walford
Minutes Secretary: Helen Woodman
Social Secretary: Sam Whitehouse
General Members: Emma Leigh, Elizabeth Casson.

Past Presidents
Muriel Ellis 2017-2018 -- Freda Spickernell 1997-2016 -- Dr M Lloyd-Jones 1989-1997-- Brigadier C Goulburn 1961-1988 -- Dr J Lloyd-Jones 1955-1960

Website: John White


Bridgnorth Musical Theatre Company productions are staged and supported by both acting and non acting members; junior members; patrons and stage crew.

We are always looking for new and enthusiastic musical theatre 'stars' and you can even be a member of the company without even needing to put a step onto stage!

There are several ways of becoming involved with the company as follows:


Become a member of the company, help us to put the shows onto stage and enjoy the social events held throughout the year. Adult membership of the company begins at the age of 16 years. An annual membership subscription is collected in September of each year.

Actors, singers and dancers: those new members wishing to appear on stage are asked to take part in a simple singing and 'movement' audition. If you are part of the stage show an additional acting fee is required as part of the membership to contribute towards the costs of putting you on stage and a further contribution towards costume hire.

Behind the scenes- Members who find their talents are more suited to the more technical part of musical theatre provide assistance up to and during the week of the show including; rehearsal pianist, props & wardrobe, front of house, prompt and stage crew. As well as helping erect the stage being a part of the stage crew can include helping with the lighting, changing scenery and moving stage furniture between scenes and operating the final curtain!

To become a member, please email us.


If you are a former member of the Society; related to someone who is a member; or just love musical theatre but do not have the time to become a member, then you can still support Bridgnorth Musical Theatre Company by becoming a patron. Patrons help support the company by paying an annual subscription which entitles them to one free ticket each with the added advantage of being able to choose where they sit before tickets go on sale to the general public.

To become a patron, please email us.

Website © John White 2023